
What are dentures?

  • A Denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues.
  • There are two types of dentures available: partial and complete dentures.
  • Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.
  • Complete dentures are used when all teeth are lost.
  • These are a cost effective way to replace multiple missing teeth.
  • You are now able to get implant-retained dentures for a more stable option.
  • As with indirect restorations they require impressions and laboratory visits. They can require anything from 2-4 visits depending on the complexity of the case.
  • They are a great cost effective way of replacing multiple missing teeth.
  • They are a good temporary measure whilst you wait for healing from recent extractions until permanent solutions such as bridges or implants are made.
  • Emergency dentures can be made relatively quickly